Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fall 2012


Kori the Pumpkin Princess  

My little pumpkin butt

Halloween 2012 starring Kori Elizabeth as Minnie Mouse
 and McKenna Grace as a Sock Monkey! 

The weekend before Halloween  "Aunt" Cami joined me and the girls for a little trick or treating in the village of Palmyra. Kori Loved dressing up as Minnie and filling her trick or treat bucket. 

 Kori and cousin Noah playing the drums on some pumpkins at our annual pumpkin carving party at Aunt Bethany and Uncle Keith's house. 

Halloween Night- 

With Thor, Power Ranger, Indiana Jones in the family Kori and Kenna will always be protected! 

Introducing my newest member to blog about McKenna Grace Smock! 
(Who is now 11 weeks, but for  SOME REASON I haven't found time to update.) Having 2 little girls under the age of 2 sure keeps me busy but I wouldn't change a thing. Loving the life as Mommy of two!

Big sister Kori meeting McKenna for the first time!

Born September 11th 2012
7 lbs 7 oz
and perfect in every way! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I have decided to try the adventure of potty training, and yesterday we bought Kori a big girl potty! It is pink and pretty with Minnie Mouse and she loves to sit on it! 

Today was our first attempt..I brought her to her potty and she willingly sat for about 15 min! We read books, sang songs, and she had a great time.. but no tinkle. So I went to get her a diaper and she gets off the potty and pees all over the floor like a little puppy! ( Did I mention I have been encouraging her to drink lots of fluids hoping that might help the process? So, when I say all over... I mean ALL OVER the floor!) 

 Hopefully later today will bring some better luck. She sure does look cute sitting on it though!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kori sure is a busy girl these days! It is a lot of fun finding new ways to keep her entertained so I can keep up with the housework ( which is never ending with a 1 1/2 year old!) 

I've been meaning to try a recipe for homemade play-dough and finally got around to it today. It was real easy and Kori had a lot of fun with it! 

This is the recipe I used-
  • 1 Cup Plain Flour
  • 1/4 Cup Salt
  • 3 tsp of vinegar or lemon juice
  • 2 Tablespoons of Oil 
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • Food Coloring
  1. Mix the dry ingredients in a saucepan
  2. Whisk in the water over low heat
  3. Mix in the vinegar
  4. Pour in the oil
  5. Continue to mix over low heat until it forms a playdough texture
  6. Split up the dough, and knead in the food color (when it’s cool enough to touch)
We have some fun neon food coloring which made for some pretty colored play dough! 

Miss. Kori ( going on 19 months) certainly is ALL GIRL! Her favorite things to do are playing with baby dolls, dancing to music, and growling at anything that looks like a tiger ( ok that part is not so lady like)  These days she is all about the accessories. Never to early to start, Right!? Kori loves hats, pretty clothes, shoes ( shoosh as she calls them) painted nails and toes and "pretties" in her hair. She is so much fun, God sure knew what he was doing by blessing me with such a girly girl! 

Red, White, and Blue nails for the 4th of July!

Pretty toes just like Mommy!

 Kori loves Daddy's hats!

Pretty girl brushing her teeth

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Its been a while since I posted so I figured I should update on the changes in our life! Kori is going to be a big sister, and we found out last week its another girl! :) So now I guess now I have double the updates to make!

Lets start with Miss. Kori- She sure is a busy little girl and getting smarter by the day! For the past few months she has been on a pretty solid schedule that seems to work really well for both of us! 1 good afternoon nap and bedtime by 8 or so, she still isn't much of an early bird which is fine by me because I have never been a morning person! I just hope she passes the message on to her little sister that Mommy doesn't like early mornings. 

Here is the the little diva on Easter, I think this picture really shows her personality!

Some of her favorite things: "Singing" and dancing to music ( especially The Wheels On The Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider!), Food- goldfish, fruit, ice cream, bagels and pancakes, waffles, or french toast! She still is a pretty good eater but has developed a bit of a sweet tooth lately! Then again... so have I! She also loves her baby dolls, getting her nails painted, and tormenting the cat. 

Baby #2- She is becoming quite active lately! Daddy even feels her movement from the outside. At this point we haven't completely settled on a name for the little princess but we are thinking possible McKenna. 

Here she is at about 13 weeks!

Me and my pregnancy- For the most part I am feeling pretty good. This pregnancy is pretty similar to mine with Kori. I am going on 21 weeks and can't believe it is more then halfway over! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Fever

Its official, I have spring fever!! The past few days have been strange yet beautiful weather for March. Needless to say We have been taking advantage of the sunshine and getting some fresh air. ( I have even been doing some spring cleaning!) 

Kori was happy to be reunited with her beloved tree swing after being apart all winter. This is certainly one of her favorite spots on a nice day! 

I am glad I could capture this "Kori Face" This is her new cheesy grin which seems to be plastered to her face all the time lately.  It usually comes a long with a funny little fake laugh. Cracks me up every time!

I still can't believe how fast time is continuing to fly, she amazes me everyday by how smart she is and how much she knows! She has really picked up on her signing lately, mostly "please" "more" and "all done".  And I am pretty sure she now says "CHEESE" for the camera! So funny! What a little bundle of personality this girl is, couldn't imagine my life with out her! <3

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just a quick update

I am so bad about keeping up with this blog but Miss. Kori keeps me pretty busy these days! She is into EVERYTHING!!! One new milestone we have finally reached is the fact that she now sleeps in her crib at night!! Some nights better then others but last night was the best so far, sleeping from 8:30 pm- 9am!! Only waking up once in between. I finally found the trick to get her to go down with out a huge fight, and its the Baby Einstein Lullaby video. I have to set up my laptop next to her crib at night.... I know it sounds ridiculous but it works unlike anything else I have tried!
Right now she is on a pretty good bedtime schedule but for some reason she seems to want to change her nap schedule which for a while was pretty routine. Oh well I am sure it will all fall back into place again.

She has quite the personality these days and continues to learn something new everyday it seems. She is such a silly goofy girl, I love every minute with her! <3

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kori's Hawaiian Luau

Kori's first birthday party was a huge success. The Hawaiian Luau theme was a blast on such a cold winter's day.

Her awesome Hula Girl care made by (Great) Aunt Bethany!

Having a snack with her friend Peyton

I think Kori truly had a fun time celebrating and playing with all her friends. She is a lucky girl and I hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Catching up on the past few months...

Wow where has the time gone!? I have gotten really bad with keeping up with my blog, Kori is a busy girl these days its hard to find a lot of free time! 

Here are a few pics from her recent 1st birthday!! I can't believe I am a mom to a one year old!!

Not quite walking on her own but just about! She takes a few steps here and there but that is about it. These days she eats just about anything and everything.( Still haven't found anything she doesn't like) She is such a smiley happy baby, this first year has truly been a blessing <3