Monday, January 16, 2012

Kori's Hawaiian Luau

Kori's first birthday party was a huge success. The Hawaiian Luau theme was a blast on such a cold winter's day.

Her awesome Hula Girl care made by (Great) Aunt Bethany!

Having a snack with her friend Peyton

I think Kori truly had a fun time celebrating and playing with all her friends. She is a lucky girl and I hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Catching up on the past few months...

Wow where has the time gone!? I have gotten really bad with keeping up with my blog, Kori is a busy girl these days its hard to find a lot of free time! 

Here are a few pics from her recent 1st birthday!! I can't believe I am a mom to a one year old!!

Not quite walking on her own but just about! She takes a few steps here and there but that is about it. These days she eats just about anything and everything.( Still haven't found anything she doesn't like) She is such a smiley happy baby, this first year has truly been a blessing <3