I am so bad about keeping up with this blog but Miss. Kori keeps me pretty busy these days! She is into EVERYTHING!!! One new milestone we have finally reached is the fact that she now sleeps in her crib at night!! Some nights better then others but last night was the best so far, sleeping from 8:30 pm- 9am!! Only waking up once in between. I finally found the trick to get her to go down with out a huge fight, and its the Baby Einstein Lullaby video. I have to set up my laptop next to her crib at night.... I know it sounds ridiculous but it works unlike anything else I have tried!
Right now she is on a pretty good bedtime schedule but for some reason she seems to want to change her nap schedule which for a while was pretty routine. Oh well I am sure it will all fall back into place again.
She has quite the personality these days and continues to learn something new everyday it seems. She is such a silly goofy girl, I love every minute with her! <3