Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Its been a while since I posted so I figured I should update on the changes in our life! Kori is going to be a big sister, and we found out last week its another girl! :) So now I guess now I have double the updates to make!

Lets start with Miss. Kori- She sure is a busy little girl and getting smarter by the day! For the past few months she has been on a pretty solid schedule that seems to work really well for both of us! 1 good afternoon nap and bedtime by 8 or so, she still isn't much of an early bird which is fine by me because I have never been a morning person! I just hope she passes the message on to her little sister that Mommy doesn't like early mornings. 

Here is the the little diva on Easter, I think this picture really shows her personality!

Some of her favorite things: "Singing" and dancing to music ( especially The Wheels On The Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider!), Food- goldfish, fruit, ice cream, bagels and pancakes, waffles, or french toast! She still is a pretty good eater but has developed a bit of a sweet tooth lately! Then again... so have I! She also loves her baby dolls, getting her nails painted, and tormenting the cat. 

Baby #2- She is becoming quite active lately! Daddy even feels her movement from the outside. At this point we haven't completely settled on a name for the little princess but we are thinking possible McKenna. 

Here she is at about 13 weeks!

Me and my pregnancy- For the most part I am feeling pretty good. This pregnancy is pretty similar to mine with Kori. I am going on 21 weeks and can't believe it is more then halfway over!