Monday, May 2, 2011

The Big Move

Saturday, With help from lots of family we loaded up a U-haul and made our move from Canandaigua to Walworth. Now we are in a bigger apartment with a room for Miss. Kori and the best part is we are much closer to our family! 

Our stuff has deffinetly multiplied since our last move which was a year ago. ( Mostly due to all our baby stuff for Kori) Here is a pile of our stuff waiting to be loaded on the truck. Obviously Brian brought home boxes from work, hehe.

Here we are in our new (HUGE) kitchen

 And here is another view of our kitchen. (Obviously lots of unpacking still needs to be done)

We have only been here 2 full days but have already made some special memories! Last night Kori tried baby cereal for the first time. She also slept in her new crib in her OWN ROOM for her first time. She did a  GREAT JOB! I think I had a harder time not having her in the same room as us then she did! 
Tonight Brian has to return to work and I will continue the unpacking....

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