Wednesday, June 15, 2011

*SPLish* SPLaSH* Kori's Kiddie Pool

We picked out a cute little kiddie pool for Kori that is just perfect for those really hot days. Today I set it up in the shade under a nice big tree in our yard 
(the same tree that her swing is hung in).
She had a fun time splashing her feet and we were even visited by a neighbor's (very pregnant) kitty. She came to check out what we were doing but one she spotted my crazy little mermaid in the pool she took off.

Here are some shots of my *big 5 month old!* playin' in her pool =]

1 comment:

  1. She looks so cute lounging in her pool. I love the alligators. :)
    Wait 'til she tries the big pool at Bethany & Keith's! I wonder how she'll like that?
